Saturday, December 18, 2010

EDLD WEEK 5 Reflection

Reflection: for Week 5 EDLD 5366 Digital Graphics, Animation, and Desktop Publishing

I’ve gained a wealth of information in the Digital Graphics course. I learned about the principle of design elements in week one. I used the previous information about the principles of design elements to learn how to create a harmonious balance for my digital newsletter, logo and digital animation. I integrated the four design elements into my projects for weeks 2, 3, and 4. The information both new and old that I obtained, collected and read throughout this course helped me create digital projects that I didn’t know I was capable of creating. I learned about contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity by analyzing ancient manuscripts, a CD cover, newspaper and poster. By doing this assignment, I was able to gain an understanding about the four principles of design elements.

I used logo design software for Mac for my logo, Scratch software for my digital animation and Pages for Mac to create my digital newsletter. I incorporated the logo and digital animation from previous weeks into my newsletter. I strategically followed directions for each assignment and I was able to put everything together using previously learned information. I gained an understanding and clarification about the assignments by participating in the weekly discussions and web conferences where colleagues shared their experiences and gave helpful information and strategies about integrating educational gaming and other technology in their classrooms. I communicated with my colleagues and professors via web conference, email and discussion board. This interaction helped me gain an understanding of my assignments.

This course will help me in my future learning and how I will learn because I know that I can use readings, web conferences, discussion boards and blogs/wikis in future courses to collaborate and interact with my colleagues about course resources, material and information. The readings had a huge impact on my learning and understanding because I obtained helpful information for my assignments. One quote that I remember was stated by Halverson,” by providing compelling activities for motivating otherwise indifferent learners, video games can potentially help teachers improve the design of learning environments”. This brings an important question that I will research or investigate: how to integrate motivating, effective and interactive technology into the classroom and collaborate with other teachers to integrate technology into their classrooms? I believe that integrating technology in classrooms will help “digital natives” become successful lifelong learners.

Halverson, R. (2005). What Can K-12 School Leaders Learn from Video Games and Gaming? Retrieved from

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I investigated the Manuscripts Troano. My first impression of the Manuscripts Troano was that the tablets were used as a form of communication with the Mayan people. There were animals, symbols, characters, and people. It seems that the tablets were separated into four sections of the Troano people.

The principles of design in the Manuscripts Troano were:

Contrast: The symbols and other items on the tablet are unique from one another and provide a great visual interest using four different colors, shapes and images.

Repetition: The symbols and other items seem scattered on the tablets, but yet there is some consistency and uniformity because of the good use of varied colors and four sections or divisions.

Alignment: Unity ties all the elements together on the tablet. The tablets look appealing to a viewer because of the four sections and they are aligned equally, using colored borders, shapes, and symbols.

Proximity: There is good proximity because the related symbols and other items are grouped together rather than bunched or scattered with no uniformity. There is good clarity and organization.

The techniques that the authors/artists employed were graphic designs such as using divisions on each tablet through colors, lines, shapes, symbols, characters, animals, people and sometime numbers. Their design technique was drawing or carving on wood plates or books.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

PSA Reflection

The public service announcement assignment was very interesting. I learned a lot about video editing, planning, producing and evaluating. I also enjoyed working in a group because we learned a lot from each other. Randy Nelson’s quote, “How do I plus this” reminds me that we all had many different talents and each one of us brought something new to our group. We all collaborated very well and worked together as a team. We didn’t encounter any problems during the pre, production, and post process for our public service announcement.

I also learned a lot from my colleagues from the discussion board about video editing and evaluation programs and from the weekly readings. I learned how to take different shots and angles, edit video clips and add music and audio.

I will hope to use what I learned about video editing and public service announcements in my classroom. I would love to have my students create, produce, plan, edit and evaluate their own public service announcement about an important or interesting topic or subject. I think they would enjoy learning and understanding how to create a public service announcement as well as learning how to edit the video using free video editing software programs. I already have some ideas or assignments for the students to begin working on.

Again, I enjoyed the class and learned a lot and I now feel confident enough to produce a public service announcement (PSA) as well as editing the video for the PSA. I look forward to utilizing what I used in this course in my classroom.

Nelson, R. (2008). Learning and working in the collaborative age: A new model for the workplace. Edutopia. Retrieved April 23, 2009, from

Stand Up to Cyberbullying PSA VIDEO

Also see my wikispace at


The pre production process for the Public Service Announcement was great because my group members and I collaborated a lot and discussed who would do what and gave specific deadlines. The pre production part was fairly easy to work with because our group brainstormed and everyone was on the same page after we decided what our Public Service Announcement would be about, therefore making it easier for the next steps in the production process. The production process was a little challenging because I was the person taking video shots. I had to find teenagers to video shoot; fortunately, I have two teenagers and my niece. Making the video shots were a little challenging also because the teenagers were very busy so I had to shoot them very quick and on their schedules. The post production seemed to run smoothly because Gail Dunn was awesome editing the video and putting the video together, Janet and Prissy also worked hard with the editing as well.

Our group did an excellent job in putting everything together for the Cyber bullying Public Service Announcement. I was very impressed that we managed to get everything together before the actual due date. The one thing that I think needed room for improvement would have been to have better shots of the teenagers and the audio of the teen’s speaking clearly. This was my first time trying to take different shots and angles in a video, but after taking this course, I think I could do a better job if I had to create another video.

Overall, our group worked collaborated with no problems and we encouraged and helped one another with this assignment. I definitely believe the quote, "Make your partner look good." This is definitely true. I would love to work with Prissy, Gail and Janet again. We had great teamwork. Although, we didn’t see or meet with each other due to our locations, we collaborated very well via email, phone and the wiki space.

Nelson, R. (2008). Learning and working in the collaborative age:A new model for the workplace.Edutopia. Retrieved September 26, 2010, from

Sunday, September 26, 2010 Web Conference Blog

I attempted to join the September 26, 2010 5:00 pm web conference today from 4:50pm to 5:45pm, but I tried several times to join and I kept getting the message that the meeting has not yet started. You will be able to access the meeting once the host arrives. Please wait.

I reviewed the September 25, 2010 11:00am web conference transcript since I couldn’t get into the web conference today. Dr. Abernathy said that she didn’t have a camera or microphone, so everyone chatted. The meeting seemed very short and there was a lot of chatting with each other in between the questions being asked to Dr. Abernathy. Dr. Abernathy managed to answer all of the questions. She stated clarification about what needed to be turned in and when, what and where assignments and video needed to be turned in.

I really hate that I couldn’t get into the web conference today, but I think most of the questions that were asked in the web conference helped me gain the knowledge that I needed to turn in my last assignment. I am not sure what happened and why I was not able to get into the web conference, but I was not the only one because one of my group members emailed me and said that she couldn’t get in also. She was getting the same message.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I was on the Friday, September 17th web conference at 5:00 pm. Again, the web conference was full like the last web conference I attended. I received a lot of information and clarification about this week's assignment. This web conference was interesting. I learned that my group needed to have two or more narrators. I also learned about Project Share and I just found out that my school district uses Project Share.

The audio was going in and out but after chatting back and forth for a while we got the audio back and we were able to hear Dr. Abernathy. She answered everyone's questions and she made sure that she answered everyone's questions. She is very understanding and she makes sure everyone is on the same accord and understands what is going on with the course and weekly assignments.

Overall, this web conference was a good. I enjoyed the web conference because for some reason this one was very informative and I was able to hear Dr. Abernathy speak, where as most of the time we have audio issues.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Evaluating Video Editing Software

The two video editing software programs that I evaluated were Apple (MAC) iMovie and Microsoft Windows Movie Maker. I have used both video editing software programs. Movie Maker is a Windows video software program and iMovie is a Mac video software program. I did not find a video from the internet to use to edit. I used the videos that I created in both iMovie and Movie Maker. I created my parent's 50th anniversary video in Movie Maker and I edited pictures, music and transitions. It was very easy to edit and move clips and music. It was also easy to drop and drag clips, music selections, transitions and effects. iMovie was very similar to Movie Maker because of the dropping and dragging of clips and transitions. Audio and music was a little different. Music had to be clicked and clipped into the entire surrounding of the videos or pictures. The audio had to be recorded through a microphone. The editing of the recording was easy to work with also. iMovie was basically, clicking and unclicking clips and audio. I used an iMovie video that I created for my friend's daughter's graduation, so I used that video to edit.

Next, I attempted to convert the video editing software programs. I found three free video Mac converters: Prism video converter software (, Kigo Video converter (, and Miro video converter ( All seem very usually friendly and used the following file extensions to convert the videos: mpefg, .avi, .mpeg, .wma, .wav, .mp3, .jpeg, .wmf., and .wmv. The windows free editing software that I chose are: Video Pad editor software program (, AVS video editor ( and Smilebox ( I looked at three and smilebox was very easy to use and the conversion was easy. The other two were fairly easy to edit and convert the videos as well.

I have learned how to use the free software editing programs and learned how to convert file extensions using Movie Maker and iMovie video software programs. After completing this assignment, I feel very comfortable using the free editing software programs. I have prior knowledge of using Movie Maker and iMovie software programs, but I am learning how to use other features as well as the basic features and functions after this assignment. I do believe that "Microsoft Movie Maker for Windows users, and Apple iMovie for MAC users are probably the two easiest to use free video editing software programs available." (2010).

Top 5 Free Video Editing Software Programs. (2010). Retrieved September 2, 2010, from website:

Web Conference Experience

I was on the Thursday, August 26, 2010 web conference at 6 pm. There were over 30 people on the web conference. Everyone was not able to be on the web cam and the audio was not working due to the large number of people that were invited to the web conference that evening. Dr. Abernathy explained to everyone by way of chatting that she accidentally accepted to many students and that was the cause of the problem with the audio and video.

In the past, I have enjoyed the web conferences even when we were faced with the same problem with the audio and video but it was not as overwhelming as the web conference on August 26th. Everyone was chatting at the same time but Dr. Abernathy managed to answer all questions in spite of the situation.

Overall, I enjoy the web conferences because we acquire very informative and helpful information about our courses and internship course. I will continue participating in the web conferences. The web conferences are also helpful in putting our colleagues faces with the names that we see each week on the discussion board. My hats off to Dr. Abernathy, she does a great job with spearheading the web conferences and answering all of our questions!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Experience of Creating my Personal Digital Story

My experience of creating my personal digital story was a bit frustrating. I spent 3 days of recording my voice over and over again. I had trouble uploading it into teacher tube and google video. Finally, I tried you tube and succeeded. I really didn't have a problem with deciding what I was going to talk about. I decided to write about myself and about what I have been doing recently in my life. I was concerned about my personal information being on you tube, but I realized that if I wanted a grade for my assignment that I had no choice but to upload to you tube.

I found my pictures that I was going to use to create my digital story and storyboard. I had no problem finding most of my pictures, but I did have problems with my script and narration. I narrated my story over 7 or 8 times. I keep stumbling over my words for some reason. (Lambert, 2010, p.8) Realizing your voice, and making it as rich and textured as you are as a person, takes time and practice. Finally, I decided that I would have to go with the last narration and move on. I emailed and called my partner, Gail Dunn several times. She was very helpful and gave me encouraging words. I really appreciated her assistance.

Overall, creating my personal digital story was very enjoyable until I tried to upload it in teacher tube and google video. I did become frustrated with the narration part of the project, but I overcame that part of it when time was pressing. Despite the problems that I had uploading and narrating, I really enjoyed this assignment and I learned how to upload my video to you tube and create a personal digital story.

Lambert, J. (2010, January). Digital Storytelling Cookbook. Retrieved August 27, 2010, from Story Center website:

Saturday, May 15, 2010

EDLD 5368 Instructional Design Week 5 Reflection - Online Learning

I see educators benefitting from designing and implementing online learning by experiencing interactive and effective online learning and providing assessment of students' knowledge and learning of course material, reading, writing, and computer literacy skills. As an educator, I can see a benefit of implementing online learning that can provide relevant frequent course content and students can expect a quick turnaround from the educator's response and feedback as oppose to the traditional classroom. Flexibility is a major benefit of the implementation and design of online learning because it can also be beneficial to the students who may not be able to attend a traditional classroom due to illness, pregnancy, self driven students, and students who do not do well in traditional classes. Also, course material and content can be accessed 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

I would use my online course as a means of online collaboration among CTE teachers as well as other teachers who would like to become digitally connected and up-to-date in technology. I would use online learning for chat rooms, discussions, virtual faculty or department meetings as well as parental communication. I think online learning would be great for facilitating team learning and joint course collaboration among teachers. Everyone including the students will be able to have discussions, forums, and questions about course content, grades, course content, or any other pertinent course material. The online course would be a great digital tool to encourage technology use to the "digital immigrants", (teachers that aren't interested in technology or technology knowledgeable) and/or resistant to learning about technology. After engaging in online learning they may become familiar with the online learning and become "digital natives". I would become a technology facilitator or leader in assisting them to become technology savvy and understand the importance of using technology integration in the classroom or in the development of online learning.

I am a Career and Technology Education (CTE) teacher and I think that the integration of online learning would be very beneficial to my course and program. I would integrate online learning in my course because most of my students are cooperative students and they leave school early to go out into the workplace. They have a very hectic schedule with school, work, children and other school or outside activities. They would be able to use online learning effectively because I use real world and project based learning activities, projects and sometimes group activities and discussions. Project based learning "involves maximizing the use of digital tools to better reach essential learning goals, expanding classroom boundaries so that students gain real-world experiences and become global thinkers". (Boss & Krauss, 2007, p.22) I know that my students are very tech savvy and they would love to utilize online learning as oppose to a traditional classroom setting and use online learning as an extended tool to traditional classroom learning. I would include power points, resource documents and other necessary information needed for online learning. This would be a great tool to showcase and publish my student organization, DECA, an association for marketing students. I would also include wiki spaces, blogs, web conferences, email and discussion forums.

The questions that I still have about online learning are:

Would I call the campus based technology facilitator or the district technology coordinator for technical difficulties of the online learning course or content?

How could I screen potential students or candidates to have limited or full access to online learning?

Will I be able to use online learning to send personal emails to students, parents, staff and faculty?

Will I get a hands-on lessons or virtual lessons to understand and gain more knowledge of online learning?

Are there any staff development or workshops for the online learning for educators?

How do I promote online learning as an effective digital learning tool to other educators?

What if students do not have Internet access at home, how will they be able to utilize online learning away from school?

Presently, there are a few virtual online courses offered through our school district, Pasadena ISD for core classes only known as the Pasadena Virtual School (PVS). I would like to see my course, Marketing included as an online learning course. I will use the knowledge gained about online learning as an effective tool to be able to teach a wider base of non-traditional students and become a "paperless" course. I know that students are "digital natives", they love to use technology and I think that this online learning would facilitate higher order thinking because of the opportunity that teachers have to ask higher order thinking questions which would allow students to analyze, synthesize and evaluate instead of just recalling information. I would use my knowledge gained through the design and implementation of my online learning to make my course fun, exciting and motivating for students so that they can be engaged in cognitive and interesting learning as well as technology integration for the course. I would also collect relevant data and use learning style inventories to be prepared to teach online learning and to adapt to the students' learning behaviors as well as use a variety of teaching methods for effective online learning. When looking at statistics and data in various articles, there is a need for a digital connection and technology integration in and out of the classroom. Online learning requires the use of technology integration. When researching data, the data “suggests that today’s students not only desire but need engaging, media-rich learning experiences to maximize their learning potential”. (Williamson, J. & Redish, T., 2009, p.58)

Boss, S., & Krauss, J. (2007, December). Real Projects in a Digital World. Principal Leadership. Research Library pg. 22

Williamson, J. & Redish, T. (2009). Technology Facilitation and Leadership Standards: What Every K-12 Leader Should Know and Be Able to Do. Eugene, Oregon & Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE),

Monday, January 25, 2010

Teaching And Learning

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Opinion Piece on Teaching and Learning.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cspencer Texas S Ta R Chart1

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: What is the Texas STaR Chart?