Sunday, November 21, 2010


I investigated the Manuscripts Troano. My first impression of the Manuscripts Troano was that the tablets were used as a form of communication with the Mayan people. There were animals, symbols, characters, and people. It seems that the tablets were separated into four sections of the Troano people.

The principles of design in the Manuscripts Troano were:

Contrast: The symbols and other items on the tablet are unique from one another and provide a great visual interest using four different colors, shapes and images.

Repetition: The symbols and other items seem scattered on the tablets, but yet there is some consistency and uniformity because of the good use of varied colors and four sections or divisions.

Alignment: Unity ties all the elements together on the tablet. The tablets look appealing to a viewer because of the four sections and they are aligned equally, using colored borders, shapes, and symbols.

Proximity: There is good proximity because the related symbols and other items are grouped together rather than bunched or scattered with no uniformity. There is good clarity and organization.

The techniques that the authors/artists employed were graphic designs such as using divisions on each tablet through colors, lines, shapes, symbols, characters, animals, people and sometime numbers. Their design technique was drawing or carving on wood plates or books.

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